Friday, March 27, 2009

Wii Can't Get You "Fit"

Have you ever heard of running? Tragically, people of today seem to be desperate in finding any way of exercising, other then getting outdoors. "Wii Fit" poses as being a great, fun way to getting in shape. They say that you can bern calories playing a video game, without having to go outdoors into the blistering sun.

This is a fantasy that just doesn't exist. Athletes like Steve Prefontane and Arnold Swartionager didn't become the legends that they are from jumping in front of a T.V. If your looking for a fun way to exercise, try sports. There's nothing like a little friendly competition to get your heart racing.

There was once a time where America thrived on hard work and exercises. It is our duty to bring this pastime back to our great country! You WILL be a happier and more confidant person. As the historical company Nike says, "Just Do It".

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