Friday, March 27, 2009

The sixth installment of J.K. Rowling's hit series, Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince is said to hit the theaters on July 21, 2009. The Movie was originally intended to hit the theaters the same day as the also popular Twilight movie, but was delayed to avoid a clash between the two movies in the box office. Although Rowling has finished the Harry Potter series with final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the movies are not yet finished. The seventh and last movie is said to be ready in the year 2011. After a slight disappointment a couple years back with the performance of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, We all hope to see a more satisfying movie this summer.
The Fifth movie did not follow the book as closely as the previous movies had and left most fans of the series very disappointed. I am definately hoping for a much better movie that follows more closely to the sixth book.


  1. DID you really write a blog on Twilight! Come on man get real.

  2. wow i'm so glad u wrote an article on Harry Potter thats so tight
